How To Describe Friends & See What Your Friends Say About You?

Do you have nice & amazing friends?
Describe them to let everyone know what amazing friends you have and what you think of them!
If they are single, that would allow their potential partners to know how amazing they are! If they are attached, it would still be a good and warm feeling to know what nice things their friends have to say about them.
Plus, your friends would also describe you in return so you can find out what amazing things your friends have to say about you!
Go to “Friend List”, Search or scroll to your friend’s profiles.
Press the “Describe Friend” button below the Friends Description Box and describe them with any of the 3 words provided that you feel best describes your friend!
Your friends will also be notified when you describe them.
The top 3 descriptions of your friends would be displayed at their profile, and you can see all their descriptions and who described them by pressing the see more button.
For every 10 friends you describe, you will receive 1 free credit!
(Only available on PCs at the moment)
Stay tuned for iOS & Android versions that are coming soon!
To see all the amazing things your friends said about you or your other friends and who said what:
Press the “See More” button below the Friends Description Box at your profile or your friend’s profile.
You will see the top 3 descriptions, all the other descriptions, and how many friends described them using these words.
If you’d like to see who are the friends who described them using those words, just click on the number beside those words.
(Only available on PCs at the moment)
Stay tuned for iOS & Android versions that are coming soon!
“We often don’t appreciate our friends enough. Life is fragile & unpredictable, so we should always appreciate our friends & loved ones whenever possible. Do not wait until it’s too late…”